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Conclusion  Given the importance of language in today's world, people need to learn another language, today's world demands knowledge. English as a language requires that people also know the language-related culture. Things like stories, traditions, and myths of the language make not only the language something interesting but also has something else to learn and make the language something that has a cultural component. He must teach culture and language, and language also involves a culture.It has been a very interesting course and that has helped us how to involve culture in knowledge and how language is a factor to consider.

Culture language and education

Mind map oral tradition  NEW ZEALAND New Zealand oral traditions      The colonization of this country began about a thousand years before the arrival of the first Europeans. The first town that settled in New Zealand came from Eastern Polynesia: The Maori. Legend has it that the discovery of the country occurred in Kupe, which is given the name of Aotearoa: "Land of the great white cloud."     Before writing, oral transmission stories and oratory captured many of the stories of the origins of Aotearoa and the creation of the world,thus for the Maori people, was Kupe, who discovered Aoetearoa, his people, who lived in a land called Hawaiiki, subsisted essentially with fishing; When one day their fishermen arrived empty handed back home, tragedy was chewed. Legend has it that an octopus snatched the fishermen's capture and threatened the starvation of the entire clan. The wise Kupe went in search of the octopus and pursued it to the high

Interview to an English teacher


Language and culture powtoon


Introduction to language and culture - task1

Introduction to language and culture Language and culture play a vital role in any teaching and learning process, therefore, it is for us who study a degree in English, to understand how one depends on the other. When teaching a language, you must also teach about the culture behind it. Not only can we not teach language without culture but we must also deepen this culture. Due to the growing change in today's world, the possibility of traveling is becoming easier, those of us who know the language can immerse ourselves in the culture. It is a thing of the past just to imagine a culture, within the reach of a click or with a trip we can go and see first hand how language and culture interact with each other in a given territory or country. Essay:  “Culture as a language modeler” Language has a great influence within the culture in which one lives and vice versa. One of the determining factors of this statement is the fact that all language is given within a culture and